Hair Care
Here are just a few tips on daily hair care to keep your VanityLavishHair looking healthy, manageable and re-usable; because without proper maintenance it won't last. Treat this hair like its your own!

Before you install your bundles: We strongly suggest that you shampoo them 2x, condition 1x for the best results. When you Rinse out the conditioner; rinse until there are no suds left. Rinsing the conditioner out is one of the most important steps. If you do not rinse it well, any residue or traces of product left in the hair will result in STIFF and DULL hair...then... Let your bundles (hang dry) or Lay flat to air dry. Now you’re ready to install.
Use sulfate FREE shampoo and conditioner (Products that contain sulfate are very damaging and extremely drying to the hair.)
Use moisturizing and hydrating products.
Use a shampoo with oil in it such as "Argan oil", "Moroccan oil", "Keratin oil"
- Treat this hair like your own hair. Use good quality shampoo and conditioning products. Conditioning your hair is very important to keep it soft and manageable, we recommend using a deep conditioner on your virgin hair once per week. but avoid using oil or heavy styling products. We advise that you comb your hair every morning. Gently brush your hair starting from the ends and work your way up towards your scalp. Starting from the ends keeps the pressure off the weft area and is a good way to maintain the longevity of the extensions.
Before Going to Bed: Gently brush hair to remove all tangles. Braid your hair into a couple of big braids, wrap your hair, or tie your hair into a ponytail, then cover with a satin scarf/bonnet or use a silk pillow case.
You must NEVER sleep on wet hair. Sleeping on wet hair is known to matte hair and makes it very difficult to keep the hair the way you want. Just make sure your hair is completely dry before you go to sleep and you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
Coloring Tips: If you are not familiar with coloring hair please take extensions to a professional colorist!! VanityLavishHair is a Great investment, you don't want to ruin the hair by over processing It with bleaches and dye. Always let a licensed professional color your bundles even if it as simple as applying a black semi-permanent rinse. Don't do it yourself!
Curly & Wavy Maintenance
For Best Results: Co-wash the hair with cool water. Co-washing is a method to wash hair without using shampoo and washing with conditioner. When co-washing your hair, you should use a cleansing conditioner to wash the hair. Rinse the hair with cool water. Lay it flat to air dry and then install. This method will keep the curl pattern nice and tight. Hot or warm water will loosen the curl pattern
It's Mandatory that you apply a curl defining/curl control cream while the hair is wet. This way it will stop the hair from frizzing, getting really big/puffy and lock in the wave or curl in the hair. It will give the hair a nice, soft and tamed wet look while its dry.
Most people think that the curly hair is low maintenance but it actually requires the most up keep and it needs to be wet EVERY SINGLE DAY so you can apply the curl define crème.
Remember: The more heat that you use the harder it is to retract hair back to the natural curl or wave pattern.